drm@daystar.ac.ke +254 709 972 000

Staff Changes Announced

Date : Oct Mon, 2022 in :Announcements

The Human Resource Department wishes to announce the following staff changes involving promotions, leave of absence and exits:

Leave of Absence

  1. Dr. Philip Mwanika -  Peace & International Studies Department
  2. Dr Evaline Kwamboka Ogari – Department of Language and Performing Arts
  3. Prof. Mike Kuria – Department of Language and Performing Arts (recently appointed CEO of the Commission for University Education from heading the Inter-University Council of East Africa).
  4. Mr. Eric Kadenge – Media & Film Studies Department

Back from Leave of Absence

  1. Dr. Winnie Waiyaki -      Psychology Department


  1. Dr. Wambui Wamunyu – Media & Film Studies      


  1. Dr. Evonne Mwangale, School of Communication                          Lecturer
  2. Dr. Emmanuel Wanyonyi – School of Communication                   Lecturer
  3. Ms. Brenda Wambua – HoD, Language and Performing Arts       Lecturer
  4. Mr. Joab Namai – HoD, Education                                                 Lecturer
  5. Dr. Caroline Ayuya – Director, ODEL                                    Senior Lecturer
  6. Dr. Susan Njuguna, Dean, School of Nursing                      Senior Lecturer
  7. Prof. Alice Munene, Coordinator, PhD Clinical Psychology, Associate Professor
  8. Dr. Jane Kimathi – Lecturer & HOD, Science Department
  9. Dr. Wamalwa Emmanuel - Lecturer & HOD, Public Health Department

New HoDs

  1. Dr. Jared Menecha – Psychology Department
  2. Dr. Mary Mogute - Development Studies
  3. Dr. Justus Musya – Peace & International Studies Dept