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Daystar University graduates 934 graduands in its 43rd Graduation Ceremony

Date : Nov Fri, 2020 in :News

On Friday 13th November 2020, Daystar University awarded diplomas and conferred degrees to 934 undergraduate and postgraduate students during its 43rd graduation ceremony.

The virtual ceremony was transmitted live on the University Facebook page and website from the Daystar Valley Road Campus, DAC Auditorium, with a small audience in attendance in observance of the Covid-19 restrictions.

On his part the Vice-chancellor, Prof. Laban Ayiro, called on the graduands to be the soloist that will give hope and excitement to the world. "I release you to the world confident that you will make a difference," he said.

Physically present was the University Chancellor, Prof. Mary Murimi, Chair of Daystar Company Board Rev. Dr. Matthews Mwalw’a, Mr. Allan Bukusi representing the University Council, the Vice-chancellor, Prof. Laban Ayiro, DVC Academic, Research and Student Affairs, Prof. Faith Nguru, DVC Finance, Administration and Planning Dr. Muturi Wachira, Members of the University Senate and Management, recipients of Student Awards and representatives of the various academic programmes.

In her address, the University Chancellor, Prof. Mary Murimi noted that the illiterates of the 21st century will not be the ones who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, re-learn, and unlearn.

“As you start your journey to the real world, start by developing meaningful relationships and surround yourself with people who have a balanced dosage of realism and optimism," she advised.

On his part the Vice-chancellor, Prof. Laban Ayiro, called on the graduands to be the soloist that will give hope and excitement to the world. "I release you to the world confident that you will make a difference," he said.

Prof. Ayiro further urged the graduands to be authentic and skeptical, but never cynical. The VC further clarified that a skeptical attitude would allow one to explore, learn and question, while cynicism questions truth.

In a recorded message, the guest of honour Prof. Margaret Kobia urged the graduands to be global citizens who can provide solutions, and to carefully select friends with shared vision. “Your destiny is in your hands; do not expect anyone to do favors for you,” she advised.

On his part, the Daystar University Council Chair Prof. Henry Thairu assured the graduands that the University would continue to train and mentor world class leaders to go out and positively impact the world.

 The DVC Academic, Research and Student Affairs Prof. Faith Nguru had this to say: “Your academic journey at Daystar University has given you many opportunities to define and experience hope. Some of you have experienced answers to prayers for provision of finances and good health, while others have known the comfort of mentors and supportive friends. Let the wisdom and your faith in God guide you as you imagine different ways in which you can impact the world.”

 The graduating Class Chair Mr. Ali Ng’ang’a advised fellow graduands not to give up, saying that the doors they keep knocking will one day be opened. “Better still, we can start businesses and have people come knocking on our doors,” he intimated.

 Among those graduating this year were 16 PhD graduands; four in Communication and 12 in Clinical Psychology.