drm@daystar.ac.ke +254 709 972 000

Celebrating the life of Anne Kamunge-Shambi

Date : Aug Fri, 2023 in :Announcements

We have learnt with sadness the bereavement of Daystar University's First Chancellor, Dr. James Kamunge (1994-2004),  who has lost his daughter, Anne Kamunge-Shambi.  The Memorial service will be held today Friday, August 25, at Ridgeways Baptist Church, from 2:00pm.  The Cortege will leave Montezuma Funeral Home on Saturday August 26 at 8:00am for Kangocho, Nyeri, where a graveside burial will be conducted from 11:00am same day.

For support use MPESA Paybill: 247247, A/C: 0722929091, Equity Bank, Anne Wanjiru Kamunge